Daily Bulletin

New Buffalo High School Bulletin for Thursday, March 13, 2025

Hansen Mold Field Trip

Thursday, March 13th - students who may be interested in learning about Hansen Mold and a career in mould design can attend the field trip. If interested, please speak to Mrs. Price.

Senior Photos for Yearbook

It is time to submit your Senior photos for the 2025 yearbook! To submit your photos, please complete the following GoogleForm:2025 Senior Picture Submissions.. Read the directions carefully to ensure you ar uploading and submitting the best quality photos to make your senior page great. If you have any questions about the process, do not hesitate to email Mr. Schiller (bschiller@nbas.org)

Little Shop of Horrors

March 14, 15 & 16th - Join the Bison Blue Theatre Players as they present, The Little Shop of Horrors.

The performance will be held at 7:00 pm on March 14th & 15th in the New Buffalo Performing Arts Center. The March 16th performance will be held at 2;)0 pm.

Young Filmmakers Competition

March 15 - The New Buffalo Township LIbrary will host the Fifteenth Annual Coastline Children's Film Festival.

At 1:00 pm, there will be a Film Screening for The Young Filmmakers competition.

At 2:30 pm there will be a Screening for the film, The Wild Robot.

Forensics Field Trip

Thursday, March 20th - The Forensics students will travel to Western Michigan University to learn more about Forensics.

Are you a Poet?

Are you secretly a poet? Do you have some poems that you always thought might win a contest? See or email Mrs. Totzke if you are interested in submitting any of your poetry to two poetry contests - one regional and one national. Deadline is March 21 for the regional contest and April 21 for the national contest. Poems must be 20 lines or less. Mrs. Totzke will help you format and submit!

Poetry in Motion

Hey high school poets! Got words that want to travel? Then listen up! It's the "Poetry in Motion" contest, and we're looking for your best short poems! Eight lines or less, that's all it takes! Imagine your poetry rolling through the city of Kalamazoo, displayed on the sides of their buses! That's right, your words, on the move! Citywide exposure, major bragging rights, and a chance to share your creative voice with everyone! Don't let your poems stay hidden! Submit your masterpieces today! See Mrs. Totzke in classroom 209 for all the details and to enter. Deadline is March 21! "Poetry in Motion" – let your words ride!

Marvel Comics Artist Demonstration

March 22 - The New Buffalo Township Library will host Jerry DeCaire, Marvel-Comics Artist. Jerry DeCaire is the artist for Deadpool, Wolverine, Thor & other world-famous superheroes.

Jerry will present his own signature Live-Drawing Performance at New Buffalo Township Library, on March 22nd from 11:00 - 12:30 pm.

He will show how a comic book is made from beginning to end, and the Demo drawings are then signed- and-dated. They will be given away....FOR FREE!!

A Formal Affair - Prom Dress Event

Are you struggling to find or afford a prom dress this year? Join us to find your perfect dress, enjoy some yummy treats, and make lots of memories. This event is being held at Bucktown Boutique, in Buchanan MI, for any girls in the area who are in need of, and are interested in borrowing a dress. Contact Miss. Smith if you are interested for a permission slip and a time slot.

You can also look at last years event on our facebook page, "A Formal Affair"

THis event is Saturday, March 22nd from 5-8pm.

Bucktown Boutique, 109 E Front St. Buchanan MI

For more information: Contact Miss. Smith AFormalAffair123@gmail.coom

Cap & Gown Delivery

March 27th - Jostens will be here to deliver Caps & Gowns and graduation announcements for the Seniors. They will be here during Advisory.

Spring Break

Spring Break will be observed March 31st through April - 4th. Classes will resume on Monday, April 7th.


Tuesday, April 8th - Juniors will participate in SAT testing.


Wednesday, April 9th - Juniors will take the MSTEP test for Science / Social Studies.

Senior Cap & Gown Composite Photos

April 9 - Senior Students will have their composite photos taken for the class picture that hangs in the hallway. All Seniors need to be photographed on this day. Photos will be from 10:00 am- 12:00 pm in the Media Center.

Students should wear a nice shirt and bring their "wrinkle free" graduation Cap & Gown.

There are no retakes for this photo, so if you want to be featured in the hallway with all other graduates of New Buffalo High School, please be present.


Thursday, April 10th - Juniors will take the Workkeys Test.


Tuesday, April 15th - Freshman students will participate in the PSAR Test. Testing will take place inthe Blue gym.


Wednesday, April 16th - Sophomores will the the PSAT 10 Test. Testing will take place in the Blue gym.

Art Attack 2025

Saturday, April 26th & Sunday, April 27th - Join Mrs, Jager and our Art department as they display the artistic skills of our students. The Art Exhibit will take place from 9am - 4pm in the New Buffalo Area Schools STEAM Building.

Spring Band Concert

Tuesday, April 29th - Join Mrs. Hoyt, New Buffalo High School Band Director for our Spring Concert. The concert will be at 7pm in the Performing Arts Center.

Red Carpet / Prom

The Red Carpet event will take place at NBHS Gym on May 10th at 7:00 pm.

Prom will be held at the Section House in Sawyer, MI. Prom will be from 8:00 pm - 11:00 pm

Hygiene Drive

New Buffalo Township library is starting hygiene drawer in Youth Services, where people will be able to pick up free personal supplies as needed. To get started, they are asking for donations of new, unused toiletries. Some requested items include Sanitary pads, Tampons, Deodorant, Lip Balm, Toothbrushes, Toothpaste Dental Floss, Diapers, Baby wipes and Hair Ties.

For more information visit the New Buffalo Township Library.

Radio Club

The Radio Club meets weekly in the WNBI studio. For more information on how you can join, contact Mr. Reingardt at jreinhardt@nbas.org

Lory's Place

Lory's Place will be here to meet with kids who are experiencing a loss. If you are interested in joining this group, please reach out to Mrs. Robertson.

High School Students will meet from 11:00 am - 11:35 am and Middle School Students from 11:45 am - 12:15 pm. Meetings are once monthly on Thursday.

Quiz Bowl

Quiz Bowl will meet every Tuesday during lunch in Mrs. Raducha's Class room # 107. Get your lunch and join!

Writer's Workshop

Join Mrs. Totzke for Writer's Workshop every Wednesday after school until 4:30 pm in Room 209. Come work on your poetry, short stories, screenplays, or any other writing project you're passionate about. See you there!

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